Friday, August 28, 2009

Rumours etc.

Well, we have to clear the air. Many followers have emailed us asking if the rumours of Theresa moving to the USA are true. Well, they're just not true and they could very well be spread by potential rivals. From what we hear Sam is staying put.

And we're going to caution EVERYONE in the party not to pay attention to what the Black Rod says.


Interesting perspective in the Free Press today - check out Draft Oswald mentioned in the speculation story!


Flashback: Theresa on the campaign trail with Premier Doer!

Clearly, this is the natural successor to carry on the Third Way!


Susie said...

Brilliant! Would love to see a strong woman at the helm.

If Theresa jumps in she can sell me a membership any day!!

Anonymous said...

Your membership will be useless Susie, the NDP are picking their next leader by delegates.

From the Free Press and Sun online polls, Oswald doesn't stand a chance.

Anonymous said...

yeah because online polls count! Susie- your membership will matter for voting for delegates. make sure you get one!

Anonymous said...

"Clearly, this is the natural successor to carry on the Third Way!"

Exactly. Which is why it's a problem.

Let's Dance said...

The Third Way is the winning way. The only winning way. I'd rather NOT be stuck in opposition with some other leader.

Anonymous said...

I have been told that Swan is the one to watch. I personally find this amusing… the man only became a Minister because of the people of Brandon making a HUGE mistake by voting out Scott Smith. It is time for a female leader, it is time for Theresa Oswald!